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By Taxi

In our opinion, Puno is best explored by taxi, but be careful, a large portion of taxis in Puno are unregistered (unofficial and unregulated by the government). It is always safer to use registered taxis, which can be called by hotels and restaurants or are found at official taxi stands. Registered taxis must display the vehicle registration number on the rear doors of the taxi (both outside and inside). Also, Taxibeat and Easytaxi have proven to be a reliable way of securing a safe and affordable ride with the use of a traveler`s cell phone application. Just download the app and hail a taxi.

By Boat

Boat transport on Titicaca is sometimes arduous, so inquire ahead of what type of boat you will be taking. There are three types of boats that get you around Lake Titicaca. High-speed boats are called veloz take large groups of 30 to 40 people. A slightly slower bus called Lancha rapida, and the slowest form of travel is called embarcaciones artesenales, which take up to twice as long as the speedboats. Ferries sometimes have truck motors and carry a lot of cargo guaranteeing a slow ride. Make sure you dress in warm layers to stay out on the deck.

By Combi

Combis (small transportation vans) are not recommended for getting around Puno. Combis are often crowded and there is an increased chance of being a victim of theft. Taxis are inexpensive and the best option for navigating Puno.