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National Parks of Africa: Point of Interest Map
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National Parks of Africa Vacation Packages

The wild and breathtaking continent of Africa is home to some of the most amazing wildlife and awe-inspiring scenery on the planet. From South Africa’s Kruger to Kenya’s Masai Mara, this continent contains some bucket list National Parks to give travelers a glimpse of the world’s most captivating animals in their natural habitat. So, grab your binoculars and read up on how to choose which African National Park is right for you!


Unforgettable South Africa!. The City of Gold -Johannesburg- is energetic and cosmopolitan with a legendary history and commanding cultural heritage. See the beauty of the city (including its famous galleries and street art), as well as take in the somber legacy of Apartheid, and make sure to visit nearby Pilanesburg National Park (famous for its Big 5 Safaris)!. There is so much to see and do there is no way you will ever feel bored in Johannesburg!. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.


  • Transfer from Airport in Johannesburg to Hotel
  • Hotel for 8 nights in Johannesburg
  • Transfer from Hotel in Johannesburg to Airport

    Sample of Included Tours:
  • Guided City Tour
  • Visit the Cradle of Humankind UNESCO Site
  • Pilanesberg Ntl Park Safari Adventure
  • Soweto and Apartheid History Tour
  • Lion Reserve Safari Experience
  • Street Art Tour

    Your price will only include confirmed available tours; if an included tour becomes unavailable there may be alternate options available at an additional cost.

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National Parks of Africa

See National Parks of Africa

Regions of Africa

  • Northern Africa

    The region of Northern Africa encompasses the towering peaks of the Atlas Mountains, the rugged coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert, and the fertile plains of the Nile River Delta.

  • Western Africa

    Western Africa is one of the fastest-growing regions on the African continent. Because of its strategic location at the trade crossroads of Arab North Africa and the gold and ivory-rich areas in the South, West Africa was originally home to powerful kingdoms like the Mali and Gao Empires.

  • Central Africa

    Central Africa, or Middle Africa, extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the African Great Lakes region at the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and from Chad in the north to Angola in the south. Archeological discoveries in this region date back more than 100,000 years.

  • Eastern Africa

    Eastern Africa is a region that begins in Tanzania in the south and extends north through the great grasslands and scrub forest of the savannas of Kenya and Uganda and then across the highlands of Ethiopia, including the Great Rift Valley and encompassing idyllic islands in the Indian Ocean like Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar and Reunion. The region is well known for its magnificent landscapes, people, and wildlife.

  • Southern Africa

    The region of Southern Africa is diverse with beautiful nature, fascinating wildlife, delicious food, and bustling cities. Countries commonly included in this region are Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. Among Southern Africa’s top attractions is Victoria Falls, the world’s largest waterfall. Cape Town offers the perfect mix of cool urban vibe and natural beauty. Maloti-Drakensberg Park is a wild, pure and astonishingly scenic setting for walks and hikes....just to name a few.

See All Regions of Africa

More to Explore

  • Idyllic Islands of Africa

    Africa is filled with natural beauty and home to some of the most exotic islands in the world. These African Islands are filled with pristine white beaches, mesmerizing turquoise waters, and vast green valleys where peace and tranquility await.

  • Cuisines of Africa

    The continent of Africa has some outstanding travel destinations, foods, cuisines and delicacies. From the humble maize/grain porridges and root vegetables that form the basis of so many diets, to grand feasting dishes such as breyanis, tagines, stews and aromatic curries, African food provides flavorful quirks and something for every palate.

  • Surfing in Africa

    Surrounded by the Atlantic and Indian oceans, Africa has been a continent that offers surfers a dazzling array of opportunities. It is one colossal destination for surfers. Nearly 40 countries boast sections of coastline on the continent, totaling shores that run for nearly 19,000 miles in all.

See National Parks of Africa


  • Madagascar and Reunion Island by Air
    6 nights from $671*
  • An exotic combination of these two Island countries in East Africa: Madagascar and Reunion with this holiday package!. Combine and visit; Antananarivo (town and national capital of Madagascar, central Madagascar island. Major historic landmarks and attractions include: royal palaces, zoo, stadiums, 19th-century martyr cathedrals, and the Museum of Art and Archaeology); and then, catch a flight to Reunion Island (island of the Mascarene Islands and a French overseas department and overseas region in the western Indian Ocean. The island is most famous for Piton de la Fournaise, with more than 500,000 years old and is one of the most active volcanoes in the entire world). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.
    • Hotel for 3 nights in Antananarivo
    • Flight from Antananarivo to Reunion Island
    • Hotel for 3 nights in Reunion Island

Experiences and Adventures

  • South African Wine Regions

    South Africa’s spectacular vineyards cover 140,000 hectares mainly produced in the Western Cape region, which is influenced by a Mediterranean climate and its proximity to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The Cape Winelands stretch from the mountainous region, and multi-directional slopes of the coastal region to the open plains of the Klein Karoo.

  • Best of the Middle East

    The Middle East is one of the world`s most complex regions. It is also probably one of the least-traveled regions in the world, due to decades of wars and turmoil. However, there are amazing destinations throughout this area offering magical experiences and incredible local customs, culture and history to be explored.

  • The Red Sea

    The Red Sea lies between the northeast coast of Africa and the Arabian peninsula which is bordered by Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Djbouti, Eritrea, and Sudan. It is where the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba meet, creating an excellent marine destination. The Red Sea is the perfect place for diving and snorkeling, boasting some amazing waters with seabeds home to many natural reefs sand marine life.

