The Tohoku region consists of the six northernmost prefectures on the Japanese island of Honshu: Akita, Aomori, Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi, and Yamagata. Just a three or four-hour shinkansen ride from Tokyo, Tohoku is a great place to explore the Japanese countryside. Rolling farmland and rice paddies make way for lakes and mountains, where there are traditional towns and villages with well-known hot springs and ryokans. Tohoku is a treat particularly in early spring, during cherry blossom season, and in autumn, when it boasts Japan`s finest foliage blooms.
The Kanto region is largely comprised of the Kanto Plain, the largest plain in Japan, which fits a third of Japan`s population into an eighth of Honshu. Tokyo, the nation`s capital and one of the world`s major cities, is located in the middle of the Kanto Plain.
The Chubu region comprises much of east-central Japan. It is home to the majestic Japanese Alps, the legendary Mount Fuji, three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and priceless and unforgettable vacation experiences, whether you decide on a city or a country stay.
The Kansai region (also called the Kinki region) is the historical heart of Japan, home to the country`s former capitals, Nara and Kyoto. Kansai is known in equal parts for its history and its great natural beauty, and it boasts five UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Chugoku means `the middle countries` in Japanese, and it was once the link Nara and Kyoto had with Asia`s mainland. Cut in two by the Chugoku Mountains, the south (Sanyo) is home to its two largest cities, and the north (San'in) is perhaps the most rural part of Japan.
There are so many experiences you can enjoy that are unique to Japan, such as attending a kabuki theatre performance, being a spectator at a sumo wrestling match, watching geishas administer the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, and the list goes on!
Japan is particularly well-known for its castles. Today there are over 100 open to the public. From Hokkaido to Okinawa, the castles of Japan educate visitors on what life was like during the late feudal and Tokugawa shogunate eras.
There are tens of thousands of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines across Japan, and they can be found even in the remotest towns and villages. One of the most accessible ways to learn about Japanese culture and customs is to visit a temple or shrine.
Japanese cuisine is one of the world`s most popular cuisines, and definitely one of the most delicious. You will find certain regions are cities are known for the best of the best of certain Japanese delicacies and staples.
Over 500 ski resorts dot Japan, from Hokkaido all the way down to Kyushu. You will find the widest selection of ski resorts in the Japanese Alps, where the Winter Olympics took place, and in the Tohoku region, home to many of the country`s largest resorts.
The most authentically Japanese accommodations that are offered are called ryokan, a traditional Japanese-style inn. Many ryokan also have onsen, a blissful and uniquely Japanese spin on the thermal spring.